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hyetal ivindtrose, same meaning as rain windzrose.

rain windirose, a wmcUrose whose radii are proportional to, or show, for a given place, the average rainfall during the prevalence of wind from each point of the compass; a hyetal wind?rose.

temperature windzrose, a wind^rose whose radii are pro- portional to, or show, for a given place, the average tempe- rature during the prevalence of wind from each point of the compass. \vind-sail 'wind,seel n.

1. (seatterm) a wide tube or funnel of canvas serving to convey wind or a current of fresh air into the lower parts of a ship.

2. one of the vanes or sails of a windmill. wind-scale 'wmd,skeel n. a number of words or terms

systematically arranged for use in describing the force of the wind, as the i2?term scale introduced by Beaufort into the British navy in 1805. see under scale.

international windtscale, same meaning as Smithsonian wind f scale.

Smithsonian windiscale, a wind^scale consisting of ten numerical terms: o, calm, i, light air, 2, light wind, etc., introduced by the Smithsonian Institution of Washington, D. C. ; the international wind^scale.

wind-scoop 'wmd,skoup n. a device resembling a scoop or funnel, as en the deck of a water^ship, so arranged that the motion of the craft will cause it to take in and transmit fresh air to the interior of the vessel, for ventilation.

wind-shaft 'wmd,$a:ft n. the henzental shaft of a wind- mill or wind^motor.

wind-shield 'wmd,$iild n. a shield or screen for protec- tion against the wind; a wind^gard.

wind-signal 'wind^ignl n. a signal having reference to ap- proaching wind or sterm ; a sign, such as a special flag, for publicly announcing wind^velecities or sterms.

wind-speed 'wmd,sprid n. the speed or rapidity of move- ment of the wind; wind^velecity ; wind^rate.

windspout 'wmd,spaot n. [also spelt windfspouf] a water- spout, tornado^funnel, or other ferm of whirlwind; a vapor- spout.

wind-star 'wind,sta:z n. a star^shaped diagram whose radii are proportional to, or show, for a given place, the average velocities of the winds blowing from each point of the com- pass; a winds=rose. ^

wind-storm 'wmd,ste:zm n. [also spelt windstorm, wind

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