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cloud kxaud v.

1. tr. overspred with a cloud or clouds; overshadow; obscure; darken.

2. intr. become cloudy; become overcast or obscured with clouds.

cloud kjLaud adj. of a cloud or clouds; characteristic of the clouds: as, *cloud motion; the *cloud principle.

cloudage 'ktao-dids n. a mass of clouds; cloudiness.

cloud-area / kzxiod / e:-eri-3 n. [also spelt cloud area] an area or tjact of cloud.

cloud-ascending 'kz,aud-9,sendir) adj. ascending or mount- ing to the clouds; towering as high as the clouds.

cloud-assembler 'kz,aod-9,sembl3zr n. he who assembles or collects the clouds: epithet of Zeus in Homer.

cloud-bank 'k]Laud,baer)k n. a bank or wall of cloud.

cloud-barred 'ktaod^aird adj. [also spelt cloudfbard] bard, bankt up with, or obscured by clouds.

cloud-belt 'k3Laod,belt n.

1. a belt, zone, or circular region coverd with clouds; the zone around the earth which has a maximum of cloudiness.

equatorial cloudfbelt, the cloud^belt which girdles the earth in the equatorial region and contains in its midst the equatorial rain?belt.

2. the belt or ring of clouds itself, girdling the earth or other planet; a cloudsring.

cloudberg 'ktaod,bi3:zg n. [also spelt cloudzberg] a large mass or mountain of cloud, resembling a distant iceberg.

cloud-blanket 'kz,aod,blaenkit n. a blanket or covering of clouds.

cloud-born 'kz,aud,be:zn adj. bern in the clouds; originat- ing in the clouds.

cloud-borne 'ktaod,bo:crn adj. borne or transported by the clouds, compare airzborne.

cloud-built 'ktaod^ilt adj. [also spelt cloudfbilt] bilt or made of cloud or clouds; also, figurativly, bilt in the clouds; fanciful.

cloudburst 'kz,aud,bB:zst n. a violent downpour of rain in large quantity and over a limited area; a waterspout.

cloud-camera 'ktaud/kaemg-za n. a camera, consisting of a lens in a dark chamber, used for observing the image of a cloud in determining its altitude, size, motion, etc.; a fotogrammeter.

cloud-canopy 'ktaud^aeng-pi n. a canopy or suspended covering fermd of clouds.

cloud-cap 'kz,aud,kaep n. a cap or hood of cloud fermd round a mountain^tep.

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