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cross-stick 'kse:s,stik n. the stick of a kite-frame which ex- tends crosswise or % across the main stick; the horizontal stick of a kite-frame.

crosstree 'k5:s,trii n. a transverse horizontal timber or supporting-rod, as in a Parseval airship.

cross-truss 'k:s:s,trAs tr. furnish with a diagonal truss: as, to *cress-truss a skid to the fuselage.

cross-wind 'k5o:s,wmd n. [also spelt crosswind] a wind blowing crosswise or across, as in relation to the course of an airship; a transverse wind.

cross-wire 'kso:s,waiz n. [also spelt crosswire] a wire ex- tending crosswise, as in the framework of an aeroplane; a transverse wire.

crow ksoo n. any bird of the genus Corvus, etc; one of the Corvinae.

cruise ksuuz n. a flight of considerable extent, to and fro, not directed toward any particular landing-place, but for purposes of experiment, observation, or the like.

cruisiiig-radius 'ksuu-zirj^ee-di-as n. the radius of the circle or area over which the cruismg-operations of an air- ship extend; the action-radius; an aeroradius.

cumular 'kgumju-tez: adj. having the form of a heap; heapt, piled up; cumulous.

cumular cloud, same meaning as cumulus cloud.

cumulescent ,kgumju'}es3nt adj. forming into cumulus cloud; becoming cumular; piling up; growing larger.

cumuliform 'kc.umjuli,fo:zm adj. having the form of cumu- lus cloud.

cumulo- cirro-stratus ,kQumju-lo-sizo'stree-t3s n. (rare) nimbus; rain-cloud.

cumulo- cirrus ,kc.umju-lo'siz9S n. [also spelt cumulo cirrus; plural cumul Of cirri} a cloud of cumulus structure but cirrus position; an alto-cumulus clou$.

cumulo-nimbus / kc,umju-lo'nimb3s n. [plural cumulo-nimbi} thunder-cloud, shower-cloud.

cumulo-stratus ^gumju-lo'stree-tas n. [plural cumulotstrati} a form of cloud in ushich the structure of the cumulus is mixt with that of the cirro-stratus or cirro-cumulus, the cumulus being at the top and overhanging a flattish stratum or base.

cumulous 'kQumju-tes adj. heap-like; of the nature of cumu- lus cloud; cumuliferm.

cumulus 'kgumju-tes n. [plural cumuli"} a form of cloud con- sisting of white convex or conical masses heapt upon each other and having a nearly horizontal base; day-cloud; sum- mer-cloud; wool-pack clouds.

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