Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/169

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  • Teníamos comida a todo pasto. We had food galore.
  • pastor [m] shepherd.
  • pata foot, leg (of an animal) Cogieron al perro de una pata. They caught the dog by the leg.  leg (furniture) La pata de la mesa está quebrada. The table leg's broken.
     a cuatro patas on all fours, creeping.  meter la pata to pull a boner, to put one's foot in it Ten cuidado no metas la pata. Be careful not to put your foot in it.
  • patada kick.
  • patata potato [Sp].
  • patente evident Era patente que quería pedirle a Ud. dinero. It was evident that he wanted to borrow some money from you.  [f] patent Deberá sacar una patente de su invento. You should take out a patent on your invention.
  • patinador, patinadora skater.
  • patinar to skate; to skid, slip.
  • patio patio, courtyard El patio es característico en las casas españolas. The patio's characteristic of Spanish houses.
     patio de butacas orchestra (theater).
  • patizambo bow-legged.
  • pato, pata duck.
  • patojo lame, crippled [Am] Quedó patojo después de la caída. His fall left him lame.  [n] kid, urchin [Am] Un patojo me enseñó el camino. A kid showed me the way.
  • patria fatherland, native land.
  • patriota [m, f] patriot.
  • patriótico patriotic.
  • patriotismo patriotism.
  • patrón [m] boss Lo ha ordenado el patrón. The boss has ordered it.  employer.  patron saint Santiago, patrón de España. Saint James, patron saint of Spain.  pattern Estos patrones para hacer vestidos son muy prácticos. These dress patterns are very practical.
     patrón de barca skipper (of small boat) .
  • patronal [adj] of the employers Las representaciones patronales y obreras han llegado a un acuerdo. The representatives of the employers and workers have reached an agreement.
  • patrono employer; patron saint.
  • pausa rest; break.
     hacer una pausa to take a break, to pause Vamos a hacer una pausa de cinco minutos. Let's take a fiveminute break.
  • pausar to pause, hesitate.
  • pava pot, kettle [Arg]; turkey hen.
  • pavada nonsense, foolishness [Arg].
  • pavimentar to pave.
  • pavimento pavement.
  • pavo turkey cock.
     pavo real peacock.
  • payar to sing to the accompaniment of a guitar [Arg].
  • payaso clown.
  • paz [f] peace Que en paz descanse. May he rest in peace.
     estar (or quedar) en paz to be even, be quits Cuando le dé tres dólares estaremos en paz. When I give you three dollars, we'll be square.  hacer las paces to make up, patch up (differences), become reconciled Me alegra que hayan hecho las paces. I'm glad they've made up.
  • pecado sin.
  • pecar to sin.
  • pecho chest, bosom.
  • pedazo piece, bit Le dio un pedazo de pan. She gave him a piece of bread.
     hacerse pedazos to break into pieces, shatter El florero se hizo pedazos al caer al suelo. The vase broke into pieces when it fell on the floor.
  • pedido order, shipment.
  • pedir [rad-ch III] to ask for Tengo que pedirle permiso. I have to ask him for permission.  to ask, request ¿Por qué no pide que le sirvan más temprano? Why don't you ask them to serve you earlier?  to order He pedido mil copias. I've ordered a thousand copies.
     pedir de boca according to desire Todo salió a pedir de boca. Everything worked out according to our desires.  pedir limosna to beg for alms.
  • pegadizo catchy Es una música muy pegadiza. It's a very catchy tune.
  • pegajoso sticky.
  • pegar to stick, glue, cement ¿Con qué pegaron esto? What did they glue this with?  to post Pegaron un cartel en la pared. They posted a sign on the wall.  to sew (on) Tiene Ud. que pegarle botones a esta camisa. You have to sew buttons on this shirt.  to infect with, communicate Me pegó el catarro. He infected me with his cold, or I caught his cold.  to hit, beat, strike Le pegó con un bastón. He beat him with a cane.
     pegar (le) fuego a to set fire to Le pegaron fuego a la casa. They set fire to the house.  pegarse to be catching Todo se pega menos la