Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/229

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  • living or dead.  to live, to dwell Yo vivo en América. I live in America.
     vivir de to live on Vivía de sus rentas. He lived on his investments.
    || ¿Quién vive? Who's there [Mil]? || ¡Viva! Hurray! || ¡Viva la República! Long live the Republic!
  • vivo alive Por fortuna estoy vivo. Fortunately I'm alive.  vivid Los colores eran muy vivos. The colors were very vivid.  intense La luz a esa altura es muy viva. The light at that altitude is very intense.  acute, quick, keen Tiene una inteligencia muy viva. He has a very keen mind.  [m] edging, piping Llevaba un traje con vivos verdes. She was wearing a suit with green piping.  wise guy No me gusta porque es un vivo. I don't like him because he's a wise guy.
     a lo vivo vividly Se lo pintó a lo vivo. He described it to her vividly.  de viva voz by word of mouth Lo aprendió de viva voz. He learned it by word of mouth.  en carne viva raw, open (wound) Tenía la rodilla en came viva. His knee was raw.  tocar en lo vivo to cut to the quick.
  • vocabulario vocabulary.
  • vocación [f] vocation (activity or profession for which one feels an inner calling) Soy médico pero mi verdadera vocación era la pintura. I'm a doctor, but I've always wanted to be a painter.
  • volado See volar.
     hacer un volado to do something pressing or urgent [Am] Tengo que hacer un volado. I have something urgent to do.  volado de genio quick-tempered [Am].
  • volante [m] steering wheel (of vehicle); flywheel.
     tomar el volante to take the wheel.
  • volar [rad-ch I] to fly El avión vuela alto. The plane's flying high.  to vanish, disappear Mi dinero voló. My money vanished.  to blow up Volaron los puentes con dinamita. They blew up the bridges with dynamite.
     volando quickly, on the run, as fast as possible Fué volando. He went on the run.
  • volcán [m] volcano.
  • volcar [rad-ch I] to overturn, turn over El automóvil volcó al entrar en el puente. The car turned over when it entered the bridge.
  • voltear to turn (over), whirl Volteaba en el trapecio. He was whirling on the trapeze.
     voltearse to change party or creed Se volteó a otro partido. He changed sides.
  • volumen [m] bulk, volume; volume (book).
  • voluntad [f] will Tiene una voluntad de hierro. He has a will of iron.
     buena voluntad kindliness, good will.
  • voluntario voluntary.  [m] volunteer.
  • voluptuoso voluptuous.
  • volver [irr] to turn (over) Volvía las páginas del libro rápidamente. He was turning the pages of the book quickly.  to turn Este camino vuelve a la derecha. This road turns to the right.  to return, go back Volvió a su casa por el mismo camino. He went back home by the same route.  to return, to pay back, to give or send back Vuelva Ud. favor por favor. Return favor for favor.
     volver a to . . . again No ha vuelto a escribirme. He hasn't written me again.  volver del revés to turn upside down; to turn inside out.  volver en'sí to recover consciousness, come to.  volver la cabeza to turn one's head Al oír su nombre volvió la cabeza. She turned her head when she heard her name.  volver loco to drive crazy, irritate Me vas a volver loco. You're driving me crazy.  volverse to turn Se le ha vuelto el pelo muy blanco. His hair has turned snow-white.  to turn over ¡Haga el favor de volverse del lado contrario! Please turn over on the other side.  volverse atrás to flinch.  to back out Dijo que vendría, pero se ha vuelto atrás. He said he would come, but he has backed out.  volverse loco to become crazy, become insane Se ha vuelto loco. He's gone crazy.
  • vomitar to vomit.
  • vómito vomiting, vomit.
  • voraz ravenous Tenía hambre voraz. He was ravenously hungry.  fierce Un voraz incendio arrasó el edificio.  fierce fire demolished the building.
  • vos you [Fam; Am].
  • votación [f] voting, balloting.
  • voto vote, ballot; vow.
     hacer voto to make a vow.
  • voz [f] voice.
     a media voz softly Estaban hablando a media voz. They were talking softly.  a voces (by) shouting A voces no consigue Ud. nada. You won't get anything by shouting.  correr la voz to be rumored Corre la voz de que ha desaparecido. It's rumored