Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/34

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  • acertar [rad-ch l] to guess right Gana el que acierte el número. Whoever guesses the number wins.
     acertar con to locate, find No acertó con la casa. He couldn't find the house.  acertar en to hit (a mark) Acertó en el centro del blanco. He hit the bull's-eye.
  • ácido sour Estas naranjs son muy ácidas. These oranges are very sour.  [m] acid.
  • acierto good judgment, good choice Es un acierto este traje que se ha comprado Ud. That suit you bought's a good choice.
  • aclamación [f] acclamation Fué elegido por aclamación. He was elected by acclamation.
  • aclamar to acclaim, applaud.
  • aclaración [f] explanation.
  • aclarar to make clear, clarify Hay que aclarar este asunto. This matter must be clarified.  to brighten, clear up Parece que el día aclara. It seems to be clearing up.
  • acogida reception Tuvieron una calurosa acogida. They got a warm reception.
  • acometer to attack.
  • acomodado (see acomodar) well-to-do Es una familia acomodada. It's a well-to-do family.
  • acomodador [m] usher.
  • acomodar to put, place Acomode bien las maletas en la red. Put the suitcases carefully on the rack.  acomodarse to adapt oneself Se acomoda a las circunstancias. She adapts herself to circumstances.  to make oneself comfortable Acomódense, que tenemos tiempo de sobre. Make yourselves comfortable, for we have plenty of time.
  • acomodo job, position Está buscando acomodo. He's looking for a job.
  • acompañar to accompany.
  • aconsejar to advise.
  • acontecimiento event.
  • acorazado battleship.
  • acordar [rad-ch l] to agree to, on, or upon Lo acordaron por unanimidad. They agreed to it unanimously.
     acordarse de to remember, recollect ¿Se acuerda Ud. de esto? Do you remember this?
  • acortar to shorten Haga el favor de acortar la chaqueta. Would you please shorten the jacket.
     acortar la marcha to slow down.
  • acostar [rad-ch l] to put to bed Ya es hora de acostar a los niños. It's time to put the children to bed.  to lay Se puso enfermo y lo acostaron en un banco. He became sick and they laid him on a bench.
     acostarse to go to bed Se acuesta temprano pero tarda en dormirse. he goes to bed early but it takes him a long time to get to sleep.  estar acostado to be lying down Estaba acostado en el diván. He was lying on the couch.
  • acostumbrarse a to get accustomed to.
  • acrecentar [rad-ch l] to increase.
  • acreditado accredited Es un representante acreditado del gobierno francés. He's an accredited representative of the French government.  of good reputation Es un médico acreditado. He's a doctor of good reputation.  solvent Es una firma acreditada. It's a solvent firm.
  • acreedor [m] creditor Le persiguen los acreedores. His creditors are after him.
  • actitud [f] attitude.
  • actividad [f] activity En la oficina ha habido mucha actividad esta mañana. There's been a lot of activity around the office this morning.
     actividades activities Además de su empleo tiene otras muchas actividades. In addition to his regular job, he has a lot of other activities.
  • activo active.
  • acto act Fué un acto de valor. It was an act of courage.  ceremony El acto tuvo lugar por la tarde. The ceremony took place in the afternoon.  act (of a play) Ahora va a empezar el tercer acto. The third act is about to begin.
     en el acto right away Lo hizo en el acto. He did it right away.
  • actor [m] actor.
  • actriz [f] actress.
  • actual present, current Las circunstancias actuales son desfavorables. Present circumstances are unfavorable.
  • actualidad [f] present time En la actualidad escasea el café. Nowadays coffee is scarce.
  • actualmente at present, at the present time Actualmente está en Chicago. At the present time he's in Chicago.
  • actuar to act.
  • acudir to rush Acudieron en su ayuda. They rushed to his aid.  to keep (an appointment) No acudió a la cita. He didn't keep his appointment.
  • acuerdo agreement Llegaron a un acuerdo. They came to an agreement.