Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/170

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • hio3688512
  • Perfidious.
i kâi nâng hio căi;
he is thoroughly bad.
hio-lî, khek-pô̤h;
hṳ́-kò̤ kâi hong-sôk to sĭ hio-lî khek-pô̤h;
the customs of that place are infamous.
  • hío1937212
  • To comprehend; to understand; dawn.
lṳ́ hío a m̄ hío?
Do you comprehend?
i cò̤ sṳ̄ bô̤ hun bô̤ hío;
he acts without discretion.
m̄ cai hun hío;
does not know how to discriminate.
i mih sṳ̄ to ŭ hun ŭ hío;
in all sorts of business, he exercises judgment.
būe hío i kâi ì-sṳ̀;
do not yet comprehend his meaning.
i hío tit cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
he understands that sort of thing.
hío thien-bûn kâi nâng;
hío khṳ̀ thàng; hío khṳ̀ thàu;
understands thoroughly.
chut kò̤-sī hío-jŭ peh-sèⁿ;
issue a proclamation to inform the people.
i sĭang hío;
he is best informed on the subject.
lṳ́ mih sṳ̄ to hío;
you understand all about it.
i kĭaⁿ-kĭaⁿ hío, bô̤ kĭaⁿ ceng;
he understands every trade, and is expert at none.
koi pò̤ hío;
the cock announces the dawn.
hío kîaⁿ, mêⁿ hiah;
start at dawn and stop at dark.


  • hiohⁿ7856411
  • To flirt; to cast off by a short jerk; to fling off by a shake.
hṳ́ kò̤ sĭ i tó̤ hiohⁿ saⁿ-ńg;
he it is that flirts his sleeves there; he is the biggest man there.
hīn-khek sĭ tó̤ hiohⁿ saⁿ-ńg kâi nâng;
he is now putting on airs of authority.
tŏ̤ bé téng khṳt i hiohⁿ lô̤h lâi, cău-hùe bŏi pûah tîeh;
was thrown off by the horse's shaking himself, but happily did not fall flat.
khṳt bé hiohⁿ pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
got a fall from the horse through his shying.
pò-tō̤ hiohⁿ cīeⁿ koiⁿ-thâu;
flung the bag over his shoulder.
hîuⁿ hiohⁿ tŏ̤ koiⁿ-thâu tèng;
had his wadded tunic flung over his shoulder.


  • hiong213104
  • Malevolent; desperate; cruel.
khîang-hiong pău-ak kâi nâng;
a fierce and cruel person.
cò̤ sṳ̄ sĭm sĭ hiong-hûeⁿ;
acts in a most brutal way.
cĭa sì kîaⁿ hiong;
employed his power to act savagely.
lîah hiong chíu;
seize the murderer.
bói hiong chíu;
purchase a substitute to receive the punishment due a murderer.
an accomplice in murder.
cìaⁿ hiong;
the chief actor in a murder.
mīn-hêng sĭm sĭ hiong-ak;
he has a most malignant expression.
  • hiong213172
  • Unlucky; unfortunate; lugubrious.
kit hiong;
lucky or unlucky.
būe cai kit hiong cò̤-nî;
do not yet know whether it is lucky or unlucky.
hiong cheⁿ sìu;
a baleful star.
hiong sie-sit;
bad news.
m̄ cai sî hiong a sĭ kit;
do not know whether it portends evil or good.
cí kâi khùe pńg-pńg sĭ tăi hiong: tăng sĭ hṳ́ khùe tói ŏi hông hiong hùe kit;
the outcome of this divination should properly be unfortunate: however, there is that in the deeper meanings of the divination which may change the ill-fortune into good.
chng chek sĭ hó̤ hûang hiong nî;
the garnered grain is a provision against years of dearth.
  • hîong2141724
  • Masculine; martial; heroic.
cí kâi nâng thóiⁿ tîeh ŭ hîong sì;
this person appears very muscular.
seⁿ lâi hîong-hîong càng-càng;
naturally very robust.
lâi kio i kwt kâi chṳ̂ hîong;
come and test your strength against his.
hîong ceng;
the purest part of hartall.
tàⁿ ūe ŭ chṳ̂ ŭ hîong;
speak with modulations.
i kâi cò̤ sṳ̄ bô̤ chṳ̂ bô̤ hîong;
he does not modulate his strength.
i kâi kok ŭ peh bw̄n hîong piaⁿ;
their kingdom has a million brave soldiers.
sin cío bŏi hîong;
a newly caught bird will not fight.
ēng lîah jîeh kú cìaⁿ ŏi hîong?
How long must it be trained before it will fight?
cí ciah cío hîong căi;
this bird is a great fighter.
khṳt i tĭen hîong;
give him time to get up his courage.


  • hit282732
  • To swing or dangle.
hit kha;
to swing the feet.
ki búe pŵt-pŵt hit;
his tail keeps wagging.
chíu hit-a-hit;
the hands swinging carelessly.
màiⁿ hit ka-lâuh khṳ̀;
do not drop it from your hands as you swing them.
kîaⁿ lō chíu màiⁿ hit khah khui;
in walking do not swing your hands too much.


  • hiuⁿ1109526
  • Obscure; retired; hidden from view.
hiuⁿ-mêng sĭ àm-thâu;
hades is the region of darkness.
cêk koiⁿ siu-sîp khṳ̀ sĭm sĭ hiuⁿ ngía;
the place is most tastefully adorned.
hiuⁿ ôiⁿ;
retired leisure.
hiuⁿ mêng put gūa cêk lí;
the land of the dead, and the land of the living are no great distance apart.
cí kâi tī-hng sĭm sĭ hiuⁿ-cĕⁿ;
this is a very retired spot.