Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/584

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.


makes no random movements.
i tŏng put tŏng cū seⁿ-khì;
he gets angry at the least cause.
m̄ káⁿ kiaⁿ tŏng lṳ́;
I feat that I am disturbing you.
bô̤ tŏng nâng cêk cháu cêk bâk;
did not take a spear of grass nor a stick of wood from anybody.
tī-tiang-sî tŏng thó?
When are you to commence building?
  • tŏng1081662
  • To consider as important.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ to m̄ cṳ̆ tŏng;
he does things is a way that reflects no credit on himself.
thóiⁿ tŏng;
to esteem.
kùi tŏng;
to evince respect.
thóiⁿ m̄ tŏng;
show no respect toward.
i to m̄ tŏng cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
he does not consider this matter of any importance.
nâng pí mûeh sī kùi tŏng;
people are to be regarded rather than things.
tŏng bûn, m̄ tŏng bú;
shows respect to literary acquirements, but not to military achievements.
i sĭang tì-tŏng cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
he regards this affair as one of the greatest importance.
tieh tŏng cí kâi nâng;
pay respect to this person.
tieh tŏng cí kâi huap;
regard these rules.
sío-jîn tŏng lĭ m̄ tŏng ngĭ, kun-cṳ́ tŏng ngĭ m̄ tŏng lĭ;
uncultured people regard profit rather than propriety, cultured people consider propriety more important than profit.
sêng tŏng sun;
one who take the place of a deceased superior.


  • to̤909363
  • Excessive; very; mostly; many, much, numerous.
to̤ sṳ̄;
officious; many affairs on hand.
to̤ ūe;
put kùe to̤ sío;
no great quantity.
chûn kàu to̤ kúaⁿ tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
have only a small amount left.
to̤ mông lṳ́ àiⁿ-sieh;
hope for your kind favor.
to̤ sīa;
many thanks.
cha put to̤;
no great difference; nearly the same.
i sĭang téng to̤ sim to̤ sṳ̄;
he is full of schemes.
sam to̤;
sons, wealth, and years.
i kâi sṳ̄ sĭang to̤ twn;
his business is of numerous sorts.
  • to̤865180
  • A knife; a cleaver; a cimeter.
cêk ki to̤;
one knife.
to̤ kìam;
to̤ thap;
a sheath for a knife.
to̤ pèⁿ;
knife handle.
to̤ nêk;
the blade.
to̤ pù;
the blunt edge of the blade.
to̤ búe;
the point.
to̤ tun;
the knife is dull.
to̤ lāi;
the knife is sharp.
côih chài to̤;
a chopping-knife.
a dagger.
sang to̤;
a pair of knives.
tōa kwn to̤;
a claymore.
to̤ tiam;
a knife and chopping-block.
kău to̤;
a thick knife used is splitting fire-wood.
cám bé to̤;
a cleaver used in war to disable horses.
mŏng to̤ hue;
exercise with a broadsword.
tek hîeh to̤;
a two edged sword.
ka-to̤ kíaⁿ;
lîam to̤;
a sickle or bill-hook.
  • to̤9161639
  • In general; altogether; probably.
i to̤ àiⁿ;
le; he wants it.
úa to̤ m̄ khṳ̀;
I am not going.
i to̤ lău lío;
he is already old.
i pâi tńg to̤ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
that is the way it was before.
i to̤ bô̤ le;
he has none.
  • tó̤9371117
  • Short; brief; contracted; short-comings.
àiⁿ tn̂g kâi a tó̤ kâi?
Do you want a long one or a short one?
tó̤ mīaⁿ;
thiⁿ tn̂g, mīaⁿ tó̤;
time is long and life short.
tang thiⁿ-sî jît tó̤;
the days are short in winder.
bŏi khah tn̂g bŏi khah tó̤;
neither too long nor too short.
m̄ tn̂g m̄ tó̤, kah kah;
neither longer nor shorter, but just the right length.
cí khí li tn̂g, hṳ́ khí li tó̤;
the one is too short, the other too long.
tó̤-tó̤ kâi;
a very short one.
jú tó̤ jú hó̤;
the short the better.
cía kang-hu ío tó̤ lō;
this is a short job.
tó̤ căm;
by short stages.
khùi tó̤;
short winded.
i khṳ̀ tàⁿ i kâi tó̤ chù;
he went and told of his short-comings.
  • tó̤10571312
  • To lie down.
i tŏ̤ mîn-chn̂g kò̤ tó̤ tó̤;
he is lying down on the bed.
tín-tó̤ khùn-kíaⁿ-ni;
lie down and rest a little while.
lô̤h khṳ̀ tó̤;
take a rest lying down.
liêk căi, tîeh lâi tó̤ siap-sî;
very weary, and must lie down a few moments.

A contraction of tŏ̤ hṳ́ kò̤ or tŏ̤ cí kò̤. It gives the accompanying verb a participial form.

i tó̤ ciu;
she is making her toilet.
i tó̤ cáu;
he is running away.
i tó̤ ût;
he is lying down.
i tó̤ khàu;
he is crying.
  • tó̤86698
  • To fall over; to prostrate; to throw one's self down.
lèng i tó̤ lô̤h khṳ̀;
pushed it over.
lâi tó̤ lô̤h khṳ̀ ût cē;
lie down and take a nap.
phah tó̤;
knock over.
kâi tó̤ tang, kâi tó̤ sai, īa m̄ gût hó̤;
laid first one way and then the other and could not sleep in any position.
jṳ́ kàu mih mûeh tó̤-lî-tien-táu;
knocked things about till they were all topsy-turvy.
i kâi chù tó̤ kàn lī-lī;
his house has tumbled down flat.
i pēⁿ kàu tó̤ chn̂g;
she is sick abed.
tó̤ tī bûe;
plums that have fallen to the ground.
tó̤ lô̤h cháu-po cū ût khṳ̀;
threw himself upon the turf and went to sleep.
tó̤ lô̤h cū ût;
as soon as I threw myself down I went to sleep.
tī-tîang káⁿ khṳ̀ tó̤ i kâi tâng-kî?
Who dare throw down the gauntlet?
i cêk seⁿ nâng khí tó̤ ūn;
he has had fluctuating luck all his life.
chīu khṳt huang phah tó̤ khṳ̀;
the tree has