Page:Discipline in school and cloister (1902).djvu/80

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  • clusion, I must say that I cannot understand

why this kind of punishment on the hand, to which boys are so freely subjected, should be considered inapplicable to young ladies.'

Medical Student writes: 'With regard to the whipping of girls, I think that as this is the age of the ladies, there is no reason why girls should not be whipped as well as boys. But let me remind some of your correspondents that the days when Milton was whipped at Oxford are long gone by, and if the girls require to be whipped at sixteen they will require it all their lives. I suppose that their husbands are the only persons on whom the duty will devolve after they have left the paternal mansion. Now, as husbands are punished for thrashing their wives, why should not schoolmistresses be punished for doing the same by young ladies of sixteen committed to their care?'

Gratitude writes: 'I own, as you see, one of the most honoured names in England, and call myself Gratitude because I am anxious to show my gratitude for the fact