Page:Discourses of Epictetus volume 1 Oldfather 1925.djvu/40

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126-31. Contains an excellent summary of his teaching.

E. V. Arnold, Roman Stoicism. Cambridge, 1911. Article "Epictetus," in Hastings, Enc. of Rel. VI, 323 f.

R. Asmus, Quaestiones Epicteteae. Freiburg i. B. 1888.

R. Bentley's critical notes on Arrian's "Discourses of Epictetus"; Trans. Amer. Philol. Assoc. 1921, 53, 40-52 (by W. A. Oldfather).

A. Bonhöffer, Epiktet und die Stoa. Stuttgart, 1890. Die Ethik des Stoikers Epiktet. Stuttgart, 1894. Epiktet und das Neue Testament. Giessen, 1911. "Epiktet und das Neue Testament," Zeitschr. für die neutest. Wiss. 1912, 13, 281-92. These are incomparably the most important critical works on the subjects which they cover, and on many points have reached definitive conclusions.

R. Bultmann, Der Stil der paulinischen Predlgt und die kynisch-stoische Diatribe. Marburg, 1910. "Das religiose Moment in der ethischen Unterweisung des Epiktets und das Neue Testament," Zeitschr. für die neatest. Wiss. 1912, 13, 97 ff., 177 ff.

Th. Colardeau, Étude sur Épictète. Paris, 1903.

F. W. Farrar, Seekers after God. London, 1863, and often reprinted.

H. Gomperz, Die Lehensauffassung der griechischen Philosophen und das Ideal der inneren Freiheit. Jena, 1904. P. 186, and especially 195 ff. 2nd ed. 1915.

O. Halbauer, De diatribis Epicteti. Leipzig, 1911.

K. Hartmann, "Arrian und Epiktet," Neue Jahrb. 1905, 15, 248-75.

E. Hatch, The Influence of Greek Ideas and Usages upon the Christian Church. Sixth ed., London, 1897.
