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the degree of D.D. from the University of Durham, was thenceforward to be identified with the new Diocese of Uganda. Here his lordship s efforts to bring about the entire suppression of the slave-trade have been the admiration of all who intelligently follow the story of the Church abroad.

��Bishop Tucker happened to be home on furlough during last autumn, and accorded an interview.

"On reaching Eastern Equatorial Africa, you must have found many interesting traces of your predecessors ? " the author asked, in opening the interview.

" Yes ; one learnt a great deal that was most interesting," was the reply ; and then, after a pause, the Bishop proceeded : " Indeed, nearly everything one heard about the two previous Bishops was interesting, about Bishop Hannington especially. 1 felt, in 1892, when I travelled up from the coast to Uganda by the same route as Bishop Hannington it is now very much the line of the railway what a brave undertaking it was to venture through that altogether unknown country. It also showed Hannington s foresight and gave one an idea how he was able to grasp the situation and see so clearly what really was the route to Uganda."

" You speak, parenthetically, of the railway How did you traverse that route ? "

" I traversed it on foot entirely. Yes, on that

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