Page:Dodge Daskam--Fables for the fair.djvu/124

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Fables for the Fair

ably Prefer Women of Opposite Disposition from Themselves." So when he Next Saw her she Told him that she was Terribly Afraid of Mice and Could Not Walk Far.

Again His Sister Called on Her and said, "It is a Good Thing that you Understand Politics so Well, for he is Much Interested in them, and says that All Intelligent Women should be, too."

The Woman Smiled Wisely. "I should be More than Foolish were to Allow myself to be Deceived by This," she said. “When a Woman admits that she can Master Politics, then it is All Up with Her. A Man's last claim to Superiority is Gone, and Life would be Unendurable to Him without That." So when he next Saw her she Asked him if it were True that Republicans were Better Dressed than Democrats, and why So