Page:Dodge Daskam--Fables for the fair.djvu/134

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Fables for the Fair

The Woman who was Asked to Sing appeared in a Simple White Muslin with a Wild Rose in her Hair. An Old Man from the Village accompanied her on his Violin, as she sang "Annie Laurie." For an Encore she sang "Home, Sweet Home," so Touchingly that the Old Man Wept and Played very Flat. He Lived in the Poor House.

But the other Country People were both Surprised and Disgusted. "Goodness Alive!" said they, "is that All? Our Jenny Knows that Piece. And Malvina's Graduation Dress had More Ruffles than That. Uncle Hezekiah looks like a Fool."

Nor were the City People better Pleased. "She certainly Has a Great deal of Nerve," said they. "One would Think she was Patti, or Melba at the Least," and they Refused to Applaud.