Page:Dodge Daskam--Fables for the fair.djvu/15

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Fables for the Fair

Waded through a Muddy Brook. "That Game is Out of Date."

The Woman who was Not Athletic looked Pensively and for Some Time at the Man.

"I am Spoiling Everything," she said softly. "Let me Go Home, and then You can Play."

"But then You could Not Learn the Game," said he, Sitting down under a Kind of Artificial Watershed and Watching the Rose-colored Reflection of her Parasol.

"Is this a Bunker?" she asked.

"Yes," he replied; "Its Purpose is to shield People Who wish to be Alone from Observation."

"Oh!" said she. "Then What is a Hazard?"

"Well," he replied, "This is sometimes Called a Hazard, too, because There is a Chance that Some one may Come By after all."