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Fables for the Fair

Great Tenor, "and More than That, it is Interesting. If I had Known this Before, I should have Saved Myself much Confusion. Pray Continue."

"A Good Way to Tell is by the Chorus," said the Cousin. "In German Opera they are Differently Dressed, but in Other Kinds they all Look Alike and Put their Hands on their Hearts all Together. That is the Safest Way to Tell."

"Henceforth I shall Observe the Chorus very Carefully," said the Great Tenor. "You are Evidently an Adept at This. I suppose you Rarely make a Mistake?"

"Not Often," said the Cousin, Modestly. "Although Some things are Perplexing. They Wave their Arms About much the Same in Both Kinds, and the Heroines almost always wear Bronze Slippers with Two Straps. So sometimes,