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on November 1, 1875, Pius IX received them all with fatherly affection, having previously given a special and prolonged audience to Don Cagliero. With his blessing the holy Pontiff addressed to each of them kindly and inspiriting counsels. Speaking of the Argentine Republic, he remarked: "It is a beautiful country. You will go farther—to Chili—where I formerly lived, and of which I have pleasant memories; you will travel farther still, perhaps evangelize the Patagonian savages whom the Jesuits could not tame because they eat their missionaries. Have courage and confidence. You are vessels full of good seed. Try to sow it with self-sacrifice and energy; the harvest will be plentiful, and console the last years of my stormy pontificate."

Returning to Turin, they celebrated solemnly the Feast of St. Martin on the eve of their departure, receiving the blessing of Archbishop Gastaldi. After Vespers, Don Bosco preached the farewell sermon. His concluding words were full of pathos: "Go, my dear sons in St. Francis of Sales, with the blessing of the Successor of St. Peter, head of the Apostles; with the blessing of our venerated Archbishop; allow my feeble hands also to bless you once more. Catholics, do not forget the Father of the Church, the Pope. Salesians, do not forget the family from which you are about to be separated, and your father who received you into it, whose hearts will follow you." At these words emotion overpowered the speaker,