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Which, at the Throne of Grace, some moments since,
Thou didst devoutly pray for?


Father, I am reproved: my mortal frailty

Was smother'd, not extinct. (Turning to the King.)
I will not, standing on this awful verge,
To mortal greatness bend, else on my knees

I'd crave forgiveness of this new offence: (laying his hand sorrowfully on his breast.)
An unrein'd mind, offending to the last. (The King rushes into his arms and embraces him; then turns away, retiring to the bottom of the stage, to conceal strong emotion.)


Carlos, thou wilt not leave me till the end;

But thou'lt forgive me now the many wrongs
I've done thine honest worth, fastidiously

Bestowing confidence on one alone. (Taking his hand affectionately.)
(Turning to Antonio.) And thou, brave youth, I know thy gen'rous soul.
Though I have held thee long in doubt, I trust

Thou part'st with me in charity.