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By John Fitzpatrick, O.M.I.

She stands, within the shadow, at the foot
  Of the high tree she planted: thirty-three
  Full years have sped, and such has grown to be
The stem that burgeoned forth from Jesse's root.
Spring swiftly passed and panted in pursuit
  The eager summer; now she stands to see
  The only fruit-time of her only tree:
And all the world is waiting for the Fruit.

Now is faith's sad fruition: this one hour
  Of gathered expectation wears the crown
    Of the long grief with which the years were rife;
As in her lap—a sudden autumn shower—
  The earthquake with his trembling hand shakes down
    The red, ripe Fruitage of the Tree of Life.


By Alice Furlong

In a stable bare,
Lo, the great Ones are.
Strew the Ivy and the Myrtle
Round about the Virgin's kirtle!