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By James M. Hayes

Our Lady smiles on youthful nuns,
  She loves them well.
Our Lady's smile like sunshine floods
  Each convent cell,
But fondest falls Our Lady's smile
  Where old nuns dwell;

Old nuns whose hearts are young with love
  For Mary's Son,
Old nuns whose prayers for faltering souls
  Have victory won,
Old nuns whose lives are beautiful
  With service done.

Their love a loveless world has saved
  From God's dread rod,
The paths where Sorrow walks with Sin
  Their feet have trod,
Their knees have worn the flags that pave
  The house of God.

Our Lady smiles on youthful nuns,
  She loves them well;
Our Lady's smile like sunshine floods
  Each convent cell;
But fondest falls Our Lady's smile
  Where old nuns dwell.