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Dear maiden mother, let us now,
  While to your breast He clings,
In humble adoration bow
  With shepherds and with kings,
And at His feet our off'ring be
Praise, love, faith, hope and charity.
  Gloria in excelsis Deo.


By Shaemas O. Sheel

The blue skies bend and are about her furled,
  A maiden mantle; and with lilies bright
  The sun daywhiles doth crown her, and at night
With stars her garment's border is empearled.
Not a king's favorite, perfumed and curled,
    Is half so fair; no queen of martial might
  So potent as the Mother of the Light,
The Mary of the Cities of the World!

Eternal Mother, at whose breasts of white
  The infant Church was suckled and made strong
      With the sweet milk of heavenly Truth and Love,
    O thou that art all nations set above,
  Strengthen us still because the way is long,
Mary of Cities, Mother of the Light!