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There I shall meet the dark allies,
  The Flesh, the Fiend, the World,
And fiercely shall their darts of fire
  Upon my heart be hurled.

But I will raise my buckler strong
  Betwixt me and the foe,
And, with the spirit's flaming sword,
  Shall give them blow for blow.

Lady, thy sailor I would be,
  This day I sign my name
To sail the high seas of the earth
  For glory of thy fame.

The tempest may besiege my bark,
  The pirate lie in wait:
The perils of the monstrous deep
  May tempt o'erwhelming fate:

Yet, wheresoe'er my ship may steer
  Upon the waters wide,
Thy name shall be my compass sure,
  Thy star my midnight guide.

Thy poet, Lady, I would be
  To sing thy peerless praise;
Thy loyal bard, I'd bring to thee
  Heart-music from all lays.

Soft melody, outpoured in June
  By God's dear feathered throng,
Would mingle with the organ's roll
  To glorify my song;