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Our Lord, that was Our Lady's Son,
Go bless you, People, one by one;
My Rhyme is written, my work is done.


By Hilaire Belloc


On a winter's night long time ago
  (The bells ring loud and the bells ring low),
When high howled wind, and down fell snow
  (Carillon, Carilla).
Saint Joseph he and Notre Dame,
Riding on an ass, full weary came
From Nazareth into Bethlehem,
  And the small child Jesus smile on you.


And Bethlehem inn they stood before
  (The bells ring less and the bells ring more),
The landlord bade them begone from his door
  (Carillon, Carilla).
"Poor folk" (says he), "must lie where they may,
For the Duke of Jewry comes this way,
With all his train on a Christmas Day."
  And the small child Jesus smile on you.


Poor folk that may my carol hear
  (The bells ring single and the bells ring clear),
See! God's one child had hardest cheer!
  (Carillon, Carilla).