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My feet shall pass and mark the path aright,
For lo! Thy staff and rod are in my hand;
  And with the light Thy city shall unfurl
  Its golden oriflames and tents of pearl—
  Dead Babylon, thy gilden clasp I flee;
  Jerusalem, lift up thy gates to me!


By Eleanor Downing

"Mary, uplifted to our sight
In cloudy vesture stainless-white,
Why are thine eyes like stars alight,
  Twin flames of charity?"
"Mine eyes are on His glorous face
That shone not on earth's darkened place,
But clothed and crowned me with grace—
  The God who fathered me!"

"Mary, against the sinless glow
Of angel pinions white as snow,
Why are thy fair lips parted so
  In ecstasy of love?"
"My lips are parted to His breath
Who breathed on me in Nazareth
And gave me life to live in death—
  My Spouse, the spotless Dove!"

"Mary, whose eager feet would spurn
The very clouds, whose pale hands yearn
Toward rifted Heaven that fires burn
  Where once was fixed the sword?"