Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/125

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The Charm School

as being hardly as big as a minute, because she has a little bit of a face, and ridiculous hands and feet, and eyes as big as all outdoors. She's one of those creatures who behave like a wounded bird and have the determination of an elephant. She trembles when you speak to her, cries if you raise your voice, and, by Heaven! inside she's absolutely unchanged by anything you may say. What do you think of that, Mrs. Rolles?"

"I think you're in love with her," said Mrs. Rolles, calmly, and yet, such strange mixed beings are mothers, she felt a distinct pang that her Susie should be so quickly supplanted.

"You of all people," he answered, reproachfully, "ought to know that that isn't true. My interest is purely paternal—or whatever you call it. But of course I am interested. You don't know how much I want to do the right thing by these girls. I know I'm right about the others—not letting them go, but this one is such a sweet little thing, perhaps it wouldn't hurt her to know a little something. What do you think?"

"I think it ruins every girl to go to college."

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