Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/158

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The Charm School

to fool him as much as he liked, but that he, David, knew that women of true deep feeling would die simply rather than express it. Austin, on the other hand, was of the opinion that this iron self-control and maiden-modesty bunk was a good deal exaggerated, and if a girl didn't show the slightest feeling it was probably because she didn't have any.

They parted shortly before dawn on very bad terms, but made up over a late breakfast—that is to say, they each decided to pretend that nothing had gone wrong between them, and after a little while were surprised to find that, as a matter of fact, nothing had.

Austin spent the whole spring holiday—four days—with David. They neither of them saw Susie; Austin because, as he explained, he knew it would be no use to try; David because, as long as his friend couldn't, he thought it more honorable not to try. But they enjoyed themselves very much. One night at the theater Austin saw Elise in a box with the Boyds. George was leaning over her shoulder, but as soon as she saw Austin she moved her place so that no one could speak to her but Sally. Austin enjoyed the performance much more after this shift had been made. David, following

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