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The Charm School

grunting. "Twenty-four hours is all I can give yer," he shouted. "My directors are a hasty, pig-headed bunch. They won't wait while you shilly-shally—want you to be in St. Louis within a month. Yes or no. Can't you say yes or no now?"

Before Mr. Johns left the room Austin had of course consented.

"And now," said David, as the door closed behind Mr. Johns, "I suppose you are going straight to Susie."

His friend frowned. "You seem to think I'm a pretty reckless fool, David," he said, "to rush off and try to get married on the mere vague promise of a salary. Do you realize that nothing has been put in writing yet? A nice position I should be in with Mrs. Rolles."

"It's as good as in writing."

"As good as in writing!" exclaimed Austin. "Well, really, my dear man, I hope you will be more careful of your clients' interests than of your friends'. I shall not regard this as settled until I have a letter from the directors."

David stared at him in surprise. He was not accustomed to having Austin preach caution to him.

"May I tell Susie about it?" he asked.

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