Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/170

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The Charm School

His heart stood still; what implications might not have been made in the course of that discussion? He tried to see her face, but she kept dodging behind Mrs. Rolles, and then suddenly, just as he had thought up a question which would oblige her to look at him (it was going to be nothing more original than "How are you, Elise?") she rose unsteadily, murmured something in the direction of Miss Hayes, who was supposed to be the head of the table, and left the room.

"She looks very fragile," said Mrs. Rolles. "I should be worried about her if I were Mr. Johns."

"She hasn't seemed a bit vigorous since the holidays," said Miss Hayes, rising to follow her.

"She's a pathetic little creature," said Susie to Austin, and added, in a lower voice, "and so ridiculously in love with that fat Boyd boy."

"Is she?" said Austin.

"Engaged, I believe," answered Susie. "It's strange, but I never could take the least interest in a man unless he were thin," and she allowed her eyes to rest flatteringly on Austin's leanness.

"Your treatment soon reduces the weight,"

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