Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/187

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The Charm School

remembered it in the utmost detail—every word that had been spoken, every time their eyes had met, every feeling that had swept them, and no story that was ever written, no drama ever produced, was followed with such intense interest as these two gave to the unfolding of the incidents of this simple plot, whose dénouement they had both known for the past hour.

And then the car required gasolene, and it occurred to Austin that it would be wise to telephone the school that he had Elise and would be back before midnight. The garage was in a back street of a prosperous Connecticut town, and it happened there was a lunch-wagon near, and Austin thought he would like a cup of coffee, and Elise, it appeared, had never known what lunch-wagons were for, but had rather vaguely supposed they distributed time-tables, and so Austin had insisted that she come with him, and they had two cups of coffee, and she considered it an immense adventure. And almost at once after this, though twenty miles or more were traversed, they found themselves outside the school gates, and they kissed each other once more because that keeps up the courage.

"Your grandfather will be angry, you

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