Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/96

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The Charm School

"Sacred Literature is a pretty good thing to know something about," said Austin.

"It's the stupidest course in the school, sir."

"Then why did you elect it?" He looked straight at her, and she looked straight back again.

"Because I thought you were going to give it, sir," she answered.

The truth, being mighty, prevailed. The moment was distinctly Elise's. There was a silence of several seconds before he thought of the right thing to say.

"Why did you assume that I would make it more interesting than Miss Simmons does?"

She smiled, showing a flash of very small white teeth. "Anybody would, sir," she returned.

Austin made a grab at his professional manner as a man makes a grab at his hat in a high wind, and caught it in time.

"You must learn to take an interest in the subjects you study, irrespective of the teacher's personality, Elise," he said.

"I'll remember that—when I get to college."

"To college, Elise? Surely you know that neither I nor your grandfather approves of your going to college."

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