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Bismuth.—Bismuth is of special interest, as being the most strongly diamagnetic substance known, the mean value of the best determinations of its susceptibility being about −14 × 10−6 (see G. Meslin, C. R., 1905, 140, 449). The magnetic properties of the metal at different temperatures and in fields up to 1350 units have been studied by P. Curie (loc. cit.), who found that its “specific susceptibility” (Κ) was independent of the strength of the field, but decreased with rise of temperature up to the melting-point, 273°C. His results appear to show the relation

Κ × 106 = 1.381 − 0.00155t°.

Assuming the density of Bi to be 9.8, and neglecting corrections for heat dilatation, his value for the susceptibility at 20°C. is equivalent to κ = −13.23 × 10−6. As the temperature was raised up to 273°, κ gradually fell to −9.38 × 10−6, rising suddenly when fusion occurred to −0.37 × 10−6, at which value it remained constant when the fluid metal was further heated. Fleming and Dewar give for the susceptibility the values −13.7 × 10−6 at 15°C. and −15.9 × 10−6 at −182°, the latter being approximately equivalent to Κ × 106 = −1.62. Putting t° = −182 in the equation given above for Curie’s results, we get Κ × 106 = −1.66, a value sufficiently near that obtained by Fleming and Dewar to suggest the probability that the diamagnetic susceptibility varies inversely as the temperature between −182° and the melting-point.

Other Diamagnetics.—The following table gives Curie’s determinations (Journ. de Phys., 1895, 4, 204) of the specific susceptibility Κ of other diamagnetic substances at different temperatures. It should be noted that Κ = κ/density.

Substance Temp. °C. Κ × 106.
 Water  15–189 0.790
 Rock salt  16–455 0.580
 Potassium chloride  18–465 0.550
 Potassium sulphate  17–460 0.430
 Potassium nitrate (fusion 350°)   18–420 0.330
 Quartz  18–430 0.441
 Sulphur, solid or fused  18–225 0.510
 Selenium, solid or fused  20–200 0.320
 Selenium, fused 240–415 0.307
 Tellurium  20–305 0.311
 Bromine  20 0.410
 Iodine, solid or fused  18–164 0.385
 Phosphorus, solid or fused  19–71 0.920
 Phosphorus, amorphous  20–275 0.730
 Antimony, electrolytic  20 0.680
 Antimony 540 0.470
 Bismuth, solid  20 1.350
 Bismuth, solid 273 0.957
 Bismuth, fused 273–405 0.038

For all diamagnetic substances, except antimony and bismuth, the value of Κ was found to be independent of the temperature.

Paramagnetic Substances.—Experiments by J. S. Townsend (Phil. Trans., 1896, 187, 533) show that the susceptibility of solutions of salts of iron is independent of the magnetizing force, and depends only on the quantity of iron contained in unit volume of the liquid. If W is the weight of iron present per c.c. at about 10°C., then for ferric salts

106κ = 266W − 0.77

and for ferrous salts

106κ = 206W − 0.77,

the quantity −0.77 arising from the diamagnetism of the water of solution. Annexed are values of 106κ for the different salts examined, w being the weight of the salt per c.c. of the solution.

Salt. 106κ + 0.77 Salt. 106κ + 0.77
Fe2Cl6 91.6w FeCl2 90.8w
Fe2(SO4)3 74.5w FeSO4 74.9w
Fe2(NO3)6 61.5w    

Susceptibility was found to diminish greatly with rise of temperature. According to G. Jäger and S. Meyer (Wien. Akad. Sitz., 1897, 106, II. a, p. 623, and 1898, 107, II. a, p. 5) the atomic susceptibilities k of the metals nickel, chromium, iron, cobalt and manganese in solutions of their salts are as follows:—

Metal. k × 106 Metal. k × 106.
Ni 4.95 = 2.5 × 2 Co 10.0 = 2.5 × 4
Cr 6.25 = 2.5 × 2.5 Fe(2) 12.5 = 2.5 × 5
Fe(1) 7.5 = 2.5 × 3 Mn 15.0 = 2.5 × 6

Fe(1) is iron contained in FeCl2 and Fe(2) iron contained in Fe2(NO3)6.

Curie has shown, for many paramagnetic bodies, that the specific susceptibility K is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature θ. Du Bois believes this to be an important general law, applicable to the case of every paramagnetic substance, and suggests that the product Kθ should be known as “Curie’s constant” for the substance.

Elementary Bodies and Atomic Susceptibility.—Among a large number of substances the susceptibilities of which have been determined by J. Koenigsberger (Wied. Ann., 1898, 66, 698) are the following elements:—

Element. κ × 106. Element. κ × 106.
Copper −0.82 Tellurium − 2.10
Silver −1.51 Graphite + 2
Gold −3.07 Aluminium + 1.80
Zinc −0.96 Platinum +22
Tin +0.46 Palladium +50 to 60
Lead −1.10 Tungsten +14
Thallium −4.61 Magnesium + 4
Sulphur −0.86 Sodium + 2.2
Selenium (red) −0.50 Potassium + 3.6

In a table accompanying Koenigsberger’s paper the elements are arranged upon the periodic system and the atomic susceptibility (product of specific susceptibility into atomic weight) is given for each. It appears that the elements at about the middle of each row are the most strongly paramagnetic; towards the ends of a row the susceptibility decreases, and ultimately becomes negative. Thus a relation between susceptibility and atomic weight is clearly indicated. Tables similarly arranged, but much more complete, have been published by S. Meyer (Wied. Ann., 1899, 68, 325 and 1899, 69, 236), whose researches have filled up many previously existing gaps. The values assigned to the atomic susceptibilities of most of the known elements are appended. According to the notation adopted by Meyer the atomic susceptibility k = κ × atomic-weight / (density × 1000).

Meyer thinks that the susceptibilities of the metals praseodymium, neodymium, ytterbium, samarium, gadolinium, and erbium, when obtained in a pure form, will be found to equal or even exceed those of the well-known ferromagnetic metals. Many of their compounds are very strongly magnetic; erbium, for example, in Er2O3 being four times as strong as iron in the familiar magnetite or lodestone, Fe2O3. The susceptibilities of some hundreds of inorganic compounds have also been determined by the same investigator (loc. cit.). Among other researches relating to atomic and molecular magnetism are those of O. Liebknecht and A. P. Wills (Ann. d. Phys., 1900, 1, 178), H. du Bois and O. Liebknecht (ibid. p. 189), and Meyer (ibid. p. 668). An excellent summary regarding the magnetic properties of matter, with many tables and references, has been compiled by du Bois (Report to the Congrès Int. de Phys., Paris, 1900, ii. 460).

Element 106k Element 106k Element 106k
 Be +0.72 Cu −0.006 Cs − 0.03*
 B +0.05 Zn −0.010 Ba − 0.02*
 C −0.05 Ga La +13.0
 N  ? Ge Ce +34.0
 O + As ? Pr + Strong 
 F −0.01* Se −0.025 Nd +
· · · · · · · · · · Br −0.033 Sa +
 Na −0.005* · · · · · · · · · · Gd +
 Mg +0.014 Rb −0.02* · · · · · · · · · ·
 Al + Sr −0.02* Er +41.8(?)
 Si +0.002 Y +3.2(?) · · · · · · · · · ·
 P −0.007 Zr −0.014 Yb +   (?)
 S −0.011 Nb +0.49(?) Ta + 1.02(?)
 Cl −0.02* Mo +0.024 W + 0.1
· · · · · · · · · · Ru + Os + 0.074
 K −0.001* Rh + Ir +
 Ca −0.003* Pd +0.55 Pt + 0.227
 Sc  ? Ag −0.016 Au − 0.031
 Ti +0.09 Cd −0.015 Hg − 0.030
 V +0.17 In +0.01* Tl − 0.93
 Cr + Strong  Sn +0.004* Pb − 0.025
 Mn + Sb −0.069 Bi − 0.023
 Fe + Te −0.039 · · · · · · · · · ·
 Co + I −0.040 Th +16.0(?)
 Ni + · · · · · · · · · · U + 0.21

 * Calculated.