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commissioners, in conformity with the treaty of Erzerum, leaving doubtful localities to be settled in future. The Russian government agreed to this proposal, and the work of surveying the country from Mt Ararat to the Persian Gulf was then undertaken. When this was done the preparation of a map, embracing territory 700 m. in length by 20 to 40 m. broad, was put in hand, and this work lasted from November 1857 till March 1865, when the Porte was informed in May of that year that “in the opinion of the mediating Powers, the future line of boundary between the respective dominions of the sultan and the shah was to be found within the limits traced on the map; that the two Mahommedan governments should themselves mark out the line; and that in the event of any differences arising between them in regard to any particular locality, the points in dispute should be referred to the decision of the governments of England and Russia.” This boundary has remained unsettled, and disputes have frequently arisen between the Turkish and Persian governments with regard to their respective claims to land (Hertslet, Persian Treaties). In the autumn of 1907 Turkish troops occupied not only “doubtful localities” but also adjoining lands which were indisputably Persian territory. The want of a determined line of demarcation between the two countries may have political advantages, but is inconvenient to the geographer and most unfavourable to the cause of order and good government.

Emery Walker sc.

From the point on the Aras River 20 m. north-east of Mt Ararat, the river forms the northern boundary down to 48° E. The frontier line then runs about 35 m. in a south-easterly direction through the Moghan steppe to Pilsowar on the Bulgharu River and then south with Northern Frontier. a bend to the west to the Astara River and the port of Astara in 38° 27′ N. and 48° 53′ E. From Astara eastwards the boundary