Page:Easy sentences in the Hakka dialect.pdf/45

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LESSON XIII.—Nautical.

  1. Nyah-chahk hay fob-shon.
  2. Ki-chahk hay kahp-pahn-shon.
  3. Kim-nyit mow foong.
  4. Shon-shong yew key-toh tahp-hahk-ki?
  5. Yeeoo yit-ts'en hahk mow?
  6. Wo(r)n-hah hay T'ong-nyin.
  7. He nigh-t'ahng ki?
  8. He Sin-kah-poh.
  9. Key-she tow-feu knee?
  10. Nyah-chahk-shon hahng-tet how-k'wi.
  11. Yit teeahm-choong hahng-tet key-tow lea-loo tow?
  12. Sahm-ship-key lea.
  13. Nyah-chahk hay shon-choo,
  14. Foh-shon m-sz lea.
  15. Yit-nyit show key-toh t'ahn?
  16. C'on key k'wi mahn.
  17. Key hahng-k'wi ts'eeoo-oy sz toh-teu.
  18. Hay mahn ts'eeoo-show show-teu.
  19. T'ie-foh ts'i nigh t'ahng?
  20. Key-ts'i shon-men.
  21. Nyah-chahk hay t'oo, hahn-chee hay wahng-shooee-t'oo?
  22. Hay t'oh-shon; nyah-chahk hay t'oo-shon.
  23. Nyee-ts'ong t'si-nigh-t'ahng?
  24. Hahm mook-seeong sz-foo loy.
  25. Hahm key cheen-chon ki-t'oo-moon-he.
  26. Mow soh.
  27. Soh-see m-ken-hoy.
  28. Chin-koh p'et-nyee-t'eeow.
  29. Nyee key-shee shit-chow?
  30. Yeeoo key-toh shooee-shoo?
  31. Chong-tet key-toh foh; chong-tet key-toh nyin?
  32. Chong-tet ts'en tahm; chong-tet pahk-lahng-nyin.