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Thy frame is faded, gray thy head,
Thy gum hath all its teeth now shed,
Thy hand-held stick doth tremble fair,—
Yet brittle hope thou leavest ne’er.

In thee, in me, elsewhere is He;
In vain thou waxest wroth with me;
Man! in thyself all selves behold,
And sense of difference withhold.

These sixteen quatrains sweetly thought
To pupils often should be taught;
What further can I do for those
Whose brains with this will not unclose?

May, 1899.

[Note.—Those who are interested in the Vedanta philosophy of Sankara, who is a sort of an Eastern Fichte, maintaing the reality of the Absolute Ego and the unreality of the external world, should read Thibaut’s translation of the Vedanta Sutra and Bhashya. They should also ask themselves: “What has this worldless asceticism to do with our work-day world?”]