Page:Edward Ellis--Alden the Pony Express Rider.djvu/210

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can trabel like ourn, and bime by, Jilk, we’ll be out ob de woods ef dere ain’t more ob ’em waiting down de gorge—”

A sharp twinge in the back thrilled him.

I’m hit!” he exclaimed faintly; “dey hab sarbed me de same way dat dey sarbed dat Express Rider; dey’re after my scalp but I’ll stick in de saddle till I reaches Mr. Shagbark, ef I doan’ die afore.”

In the ecstasy of terror he glanced down his breast, for he had partly straightened up a moment before he felt the pain. He expected to see the pointed bit of flint sticking out in front, but did not.

“It didn’t go cl’ar frough, but it’s jest as bad; I can’t lib more dan a few minutes; go it, Jilk!”

Once again the tremulous whoops sounded above the clumping of the ponies’ hoofs, but they came this time from the rear. Except for that sudden twinge in his back, Jethro would have felt a renewal of hope. At the same time he could not be certain he would not run into a score or more of his enemies.

A half mile was speedily passed and not another throbbing yell reached his ears. Jethro sat upright in his saddle, and a few