Page:Edward Ellis--Alden the Pony Express Rider.djvu/231

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NO wonder Alden Payne was rattled. Who wouldn’t be thrown into a panic by the discovery of his helplessness in so dangerous a situation?

Moreover, Dick Lightfoot’s revolver was with his body. Still the youth had his own small weapon which he carried at his hip, where he could draw it the instant needed. Besides this he had his hunting knife, which would be of little help in the circumstances. He might do something in the way of defense with his pistol, but of what avail against a party of Indians armed with rifles, or possibly bows and arrows? All they would have to do would be to remain beyond his range and “snipe” him at their leisure.

The only desperate hope which flashed upon him was that the red men had not seen him leap from the saddle and dash for the boulder. But even in that case, they could not fail to