Page:Edward Ellis--Alden the Pony Express Rider.djvu/269

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of the squat cabin were Tom Harper, Tim Jenkins, and Gideon Altman. A brother of the last named was absent hunting game for the larder of the establishment. The first named—Harper—was wiry and slight of frame, while the other two were of ordinary stature. Harper was a rider, but the weight of his comrades shut them out, except in case of necessity.

Dick Lightfoot who had reached his “last station” a dozen miles to the eastward, was due at the present place in time to meet his brother, whom Alden encountered at the time of his flurry with the bear. The men at the station knew that some accident must have befallen Dick and were therefore on the watch, when they descried a stranger coming toward them on the pony which they recognized as belonging to the missing rider.

Dick was in a lather and his sides heaved. Alden did not dismount but looked down in the faces of the group who scrutinized him keenly. Tim Jenkins, massive and heavily bearded, acted as speaker for his comrades.

“Who are you?” he demanded of Alden, who gave his name.