Page:Edward Ellis--Alden the Pony Express Rider.djvu/335

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ways with the added spice of danger from the dusky hunters who preferred to bag the white invaders in preference to deer, antelope, buffalo, or mountain sheep.

The location of the station shortened the view to the southeast from which Shagbark must come. There were too many obstacles and variations of the landscape to permit one to see far in that direction, but Alden continued to look, as the afternoon waned, yearning for the sight of the slow moving train.

Suddenly the still air was pierced by a wild shout. It was the “coyote yell,” of the Pony Express Rider coming from the west. Seemingly in the same moment. Cal hurried round the corner of the cabin, leading one of the wiry half-breed horses by the bridle. The man from within the building came through the door and peered in the direction of the sound. The other two were still absent hunting among the foothills.

Up the slope from behind the rocks and dwarfed cedars burst the rider and his horse. The panting animal was covered with lather and glistening sweat. The sight was similar to that which Alden, who leaped to his feet at