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weapons could conceal themselves, the water seemed to part on the side of the log toward them, and the bronzed face of an Indian rose to view. Up, up, it went, until the shoulders were out of the water, when he remained stationary a moment, and peered over the log at Haverland. Seemingly satisfied, he quietly sank down into the water again; but Graham noticed that he did not disappear beneath the surface, where it appeared he had hitherto kept himself, nestled in so close to the log that almost any one would have supposed he was a part of it. His head resembled exactly a large black knot in the wood. Graham now noticed also that there were two other protuberances, precisely similar to the first. The conclusion was certain. There were three fully armed Mohawks concealed behind the log, who were doing their utmost to steal unawares upon the fugitives.

"Just exactly one apiece, as sure as you live," exclaimed Seth exultingly. "Get ready each of you for your man. Graham, take the one nearest this way; you the next one, Haldidge, and I'll pick off the last one in the genuine style. Get ready quick, for I've got to hurrah over the way things is coming round."

The three pointed their deathly instruments toward the unsuspicious savages. Each took a long, deliberate, and certain aim.

"Now, then, together—fire!"

Simultaneously the three rifles flashed, but that of Seth missed fire. The others sped true to their aim. Two yells of deathly agony broke upon the air, and one of the savages sprang half his entire length out of the water, and then sank like lead to the bottom. The other clung quivering to the log for a moment, and then loosening his hold, disappeared beneath the water.

"Thunder and blazes!" exclaimed Seth, springing to his feet, "hand me your rifle, Graham. Something is the matter with mine, and that other imp will get away. Quick! hand it here!"

He took the rifle and commenced loading it as rapidly as possible, keeping his eye upon the Indian who now was swimming desperately for the other bank.

"Is yer iron loaded, Haldidge?" he asked.