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Ina, for a few moments after her recapture, was so bewildered as not to comprehend the true state of affairs. Finally, she realized that she was in the arms of friends.

"Am I safe? Where is father?" she asked.

"Here, my dearest child," answered the parent, pressing her to his heart.

"Is mother and aunty safe?"

"Yes, all—all are safe, I trust now."

"And who are these, with you?"

"This is Haldidge, a dear friend of ours, to whom, under Heaven, your rescue is owing, and—"

"Just hold on, Alf, now, if you please; that's plenty," interrupted the hunter.

"Of course I did not mean to leave out Seth here, and—"

"No, by gracious, it wouldn't do, especially when you recollect how nice it was that me and Graham gave 'em the slip."

"You, and who?" eagerly asked Ina.

"Me and Mr. Graham—that fellow standing there—the one that has come out here to marry you. Haven't you heard of him?"

Ina stepped forward, and scrutinized the face before her.

"Don't you remember me?" asked Graham, pleasantly.

"Oh, is it you? I am so glad you are here," she repeated, placing both her hands in his, and looking up into his face.

"Now just see here," said Seth, stepping earnestly forward, "I 'bject to this. Cos why, you haven't the time to go into the sparking business, and if you do, why you'll be obsarved. I advise you to postpone it till you git home. What's the opinion of the audience?"

"Your suggestion is hardly necessary," laughed Graham. "The business you referred to, shall most certainly be deferred until a more convenient season."

"It gives me great pleasure," remarked Haverland, "to witness this reunion of friends, and I thank God that my dear child, so nearly lost forever, has been restored to me; but, there is another, whose heart is nearly broken, who should not be kept waiting, and there is a long distance between us and perfect safety, which should be shortened as rapidly and quickly as possible."