Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/115

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The instances are of congenital, complete uranism in highclass natures.


"Mr. N—, unmarried, born of a marriage between blood relations. His parents were sound types, but a brother of his father was in an asylum for the insane. The brother of Herr N— was exceedingly heterosexual. At nine years old, N— felt himself sexually drawn to his boy-friends. At fifteen years and onward, mas. mut. et coitus inter femora with boys. At sixteen, began a regular love-relationship with a young man, which developed just as normal love between a man and a woman develops. Only young men of from twenty to twenty-four years attract him. He feels himself rather in the feminine role in such sexual intimacies. He believes that from earliest childhood he has had a more feminine than masculine nature. Later than childhood he has had no pleasure in masculine sports, nor in drinking, smoking, etc. In his unsettled sort of life occurred one episode in which he was a cook, in service in a foreign country, giving excellent satisfaction as such; he lost his place because of entering into a love-affair with the son of his employer. After 22 years old, N— realized that he was of an abnormal sexual life. He was disturbed by this discovery, sought by forced visits to brothels to correct himself, but had only disgust. (Nulla erectio). One day, in despair as to his sexual situation, and the discovery of his disgrace by his family, he attempted suicide. Cured of his wound got in this attempt, he again travelled in foreign countries, ever feeling unhappiness, at odds with himself, and repudiated by his family. The only hope now left him has been that with his advancing life he will lose his sexual desire toward men. For the sake of "honour and peace", N— begs aid in his case. He declares that he will either go into a cloister, or else castrate himself. I advised a suggestion-treatment. In physique this unfortunate man is thoroughly virile (genitalia normal) in type of the second-

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