Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/123

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far too much sexual inclination for young men, especially if waiters (!) When he was twenty he recognized his abnormalism of his vita sexualis; made sexual approaches to young women but felt repelled by the act and was hardly potent iii it. He succeeded in refraining from homosexual relations, along with those with the other sex. At twenty-four he came to know a ballet-dancer, was charmed with her, and in coitus was perfectly potent; had the greatest satisfaction, etc. The same sort of success in the following year with other women. But with the thirtieth year of his life, this normal period of sexual feeling vanished. He continued to lose his normal libido, and since live years he makes no heterosexual approaches. Masturb. mut. with males, from 17 to 20 years old; strong desires, great sexual satisfaction, etc. Became mixed up in a blackmailing affair. Lately his sexual act is expressed in kissing, embracing, etc. Orgasms and ejaculation follows. The psychical personality of Mr. H— is abnormal, he is intellectually limited, and trivial. Of his (deceased) parents he knows nothing of importance in his case. He was an only child. Build of body and outward appearance thoroughly virile.


Mr. J— an official by profession descends from a father who was most neuropathic. The four sisters also are very nervous in their type. A cousin seduced him (masturbat, mut.) when J— was hardly seven. At eight years, his greatest enjoyment was opportunities of looking at nude men. He grew up in a country boarding-school, and till he was sixteen had no opportunity to be with the female sex. Had intense passions for his schoolmates. At twenty-six, he was initiated into the mystery of homosexual love. Several sexual relations with men, actively and passively; but in pederasty no enjoyment. His (rare) sexual dreams turned to men. He was not wholly unimpressionable, however, to the other sex; but held back from

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