Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/140

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minors, a forcible sexual intercourse, and so on. Unnatural condition for an Uranian comes when involuntarily he attempts "normal" intercourse, with a woman; with the sex that by nature's decree repels him, that often he loathes in any corporeal relationship. Prostitute, mistress or wife—then is he indeed guilty of a sin against Nature, violates his sexual Ego, as does the normalist, the completely masculine man, sin against his nature in sexual relations with other than a woman.

The Highest Type
of Uranian often
Does not Wish to
be "Cured".

The fact is much in evidence that the best type of Uranian often does not wish nor seek a "Cure" when once enlightened as to himself, and is clear about his moral position. Such intersexuals in a large proportion have no desire to change psychology or lot, unless perhaps such wishes come in hours of bitterness, under social persecution and injustice, or when some unhappy passion overflows. But often not even then would the Uranian be other than he is! He suffers. For his own sake, and for the sake of others he wishes that their lot were better. But there is likely to be firm in his soul the conviction that the impulse in him is pure, is perhaps the truest and highest sort of love; that in the Scriptural phrase, it is a "thing of God". Races, laws, society long may persist in repudiating or punishing it. But the world will progress slowly to wider sexual insights. Coming generations will redeem a present-day and ignorant intolerance of similisexual impulses, when united to sound ethical concepts, to superiour intelligences and to respectable lives.


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