Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/199

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and the passionate interest in handsome actors, singers and soldiers, etc.

Superior Scholar-
ship by Young

The young Uranian's mind in school or other educational training is likely to be brilliant, though his quickness of intelligence does not generally extend to more abstract tasks, such as mathematics—not to formulas and intangibilities, rather than concrete topics. He is frequently a quick linguist, a good geographer, and a precocious literary worker. On the other hand, his equipment sometimes is annulled by an indolence that no rod will cure; all the more irritating because it is a mysterious failure of will, not of wish.

Precocity in what
is Unmoral or

In all grades of Uranian youth; in school or not, including boys not necessarily of decadent type and origin, a propensity toward general moral weakness is met with painful frequency; if along with many redeeming traits. This class contrast, sharply with the high-natured type. A large proportion of brilliant and well-born young Uranians are innate liars, cowards. cheats, mischief-makers and shifty young characters. The Uranian lad of really undergrade social tissue is especially often a thorough mauvais sujet. The boy-murderer, expert thief in his teens, and so on, are likely to be similisexual lads. This sort, side by side, with the finest instances of noble and pure characters in the young uranian sex, in its manliest, most sensitive morality.

Feminine simili-
in Early
Youth; the Youth-
ful Uraniad.

This study, as has been said, concentrates itself on male aspects of similisexualism. Only secondarily can it set forth aspects of the Uraniad's sexual life and nature. So much of them are mere translations of the masculine into feminine terminology that separate discussions of the two intersexes seem superfluous. The present chapter is a particu-

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