Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/201

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Parents Approv-
ing Juvenile Ura-

And interesting and unconventional aspect of the parental problem as to a homosexual boy (and, to some extent, to the youthful Uraniad) is the fact that fathers and mothers sometimes express themselves as much preferring that their son should be, and should grow up, homosexual; provided that the 'relations' consequent be happy, tranquillizing, elevating and idealistic; concentrating the lad on special; 'love-friendships' of the kind; and acting as an outlet of his juvenile sexualism that protects him from being the victim of those debasements, diseases and other mischiefs that are so largely part of a boy's early heterosexual experiences. Several well-known psychiaters have met this conviction. Its results obviously depend too much on the individual cases to be easy of brief consideration and résumé here.


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