Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/423

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decency, are "Madame Adonis" by "Kachilde" and "Zéboïm" by Souillac. The story "Deux Amies" is also—conspicuous. Pierre Louys touches on the theme in his "Aphrodite " with delicate art. But there is not space or utility in entering here into the bibliography of uraniadism. The German literary catalogue is growing annually longer and of more acceptable traits in this curious field of fancy or fact. In English, there is chiefly pornography—of crudest kind.

The French
Theater and Ura-

It is not likely that tho acting-stage will ever allow to uraniadism as openly suggestive doings—not merely hints of the feminine intersex—as are permitted to Uranianism; at least not such as some Paris theaters and music-halls have tolerated. In the autumn of 1908, was played at a well-known house, a piece called "L'Après-Midi Byzantine", by tho well-known Parisian authour and critic, Nozière. An openly sexual suggestiveness of the kind in question was an essential episode (as well as hinted homosexuality) which two actresses played as if—con amore. In the same season, came before a Paris police-court the cases of the proprietor of the "Little Palace" Theater, and of some others concerned in the affair (including four or five actresses) for "outrages to the public decency", by a far too realistic pantomime named "Griserie d'Ether," In this spectacle, Mademoiselle Bouzon and Mademoiselle Lepelly … "interprétaient une scène d'ivresse et de passion lesbienne … renversées sur un fauteuil" … in a semi-nude condition, and "se pressent contre elles, en caressant les seins, et en laissant les mains s'égarer plus bas …" The manager of the theater was fined and imprisoned—not heavily—for this scandalously uraniad audacity. The actresses were not punished.

The Uraniad
and Aesthetics.

Quite as the Uranian turns himself instinctively to the arts, so do we find the refined Uraniad in a grateful atmosphere when she is

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