Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/433

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in the riddle. The young man, an Irishman by blood, was not deficient in moral or physical qualifications; although his personal aspect, as to face and figure, degenerated from a truly male type to womanish contours. Also, Cole's mind was not of a robust male sort, and he showed that general temperamental degeneracy toward feminine tastes that comes with the wish to sustain such a masquerade. The sexual organs were stated, by a physician who saw them, to be masculine in all respects, except that of size. The vita sexualis of the subject before his marriage could not be distinctly ascertained. A rumour (not originating in Vassalboro) asserted him to be of "passivist" impulses.

Degrees of the
Physical Depart-
ure: Real Herm-
Monstrosity, etc.

Similar instances are many. There is a departure from the truly male, temperament and intellect. The bodily "secondariness" is noticeable by comparisons with fully virile models. The contrasts apply to such structural matters as the form and weight of the skeleton, the contours of the fleshy parts of the frame, the muscular strength, the proportions of the features, the voice, movements, gait, etc. A tabulation of these is included in an Appendix, for the reader desirous of finding whether his own type or some other approach at all the uranian Intersex, or toward Uraniadism. Nevertheless, a limited, obscure proportion of homosexuals, Uranian and Uraniads, are marked by actual hermaphroditism,—plain and unequivocal. That any are so has strengthened the rooted vulgar idea that the Uranian and Uraniad must be hermaphrodite. This antiquated notion is strong in America and England. The reader will find in the closer medical studies of the homosexual problem, as well as in other connections, full information as to bodily hermaproditism. It includes male, genitals in a type otherwise female (or vice versa); male and female genitals and hybrid organs in the same individual; atroph-

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