Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/502

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of the most reflective and learned class of lawyers, nothing is heeded of recent Continental theories as to similisexuality by medical-legal specialists even of first rank. Indeed little is known of them. They are yet much outside of Anglo-Saxon medico-psychologic jurisprudence.

Public Proceed-
ings Against
as Mischievous,

The unlucky fact been observed that legal proceedings necessary for the rescue of some victim of blackmail on homosexual grounds (even cases in which blackmailers are punished) seem to do more harm than good toward obstructing the vile 'business.' They suggest to the mob the ease with which timid victims can be bled, and they teach the technique of blackmail. It has been well said that "one blackmail-suit creates a dozen blackmailers." Rascals are willing to take their chances. Immediately in consequence of this fact, as well as in view of the agonizing histories of victims, and of the inducements to robbery and murder, has come—with questions of moral aspects of homosexualism—the movement in Germany and Austria-Hungary toward the abolition of any penalty for private and adult similisexual relations, if voluntary. To tolerate "decent homosexualism" as in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, parts of Switzerland and so on, puts the blackmailer out of combat to a great and wholly beneficent extent.


Blackmailing not
Unknown in France,
Italy, etc., though

In France, Italy, Belgium, Spain and so on, where is no legislation punishing homosexualism (except when coercion or offences to public decency, or innocent minors are considered) the crude, vulgar blackmailer can frighten a stranger by pointing out that to commit sexual acts in a latrine or in a park, or an inn's more public premises, however retired and deserted, makes the victim a statutory offender. We have seen above how he sometimes will dog the traveller to his hotel, threatening his

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