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criminal types that overtly obtrude on law. France is distinctively a country of venal feminine siinilisexualism; exactly as it also a country where heterosexual prostitution is so generic. In Paris, every form of the lesbian instinct is met in prostitution. ( Nevertheless, one important student of the topic estimates that in the army of prostitutes in Berlin, twenty-five per-cent are given also to uraniad intercourse, for or without a price. ( Vienna is often referred to as an "uraniad capital;" where the feminosexual prostitute constantly is to be met in the streets, baths, cafés, and such resorts known for her patronage. As with the Uranian, the vapour-bath—on "ladies' days"—in Paris, Berlin, Vienna, London, and so on, are frequented by the "Sisterhood-Brotherhood" of uraniad prostitution; as by the non-venal contingent.



The Uraniad prostitute in all grades of activity is exceedingly numerous. She is frequently located in the regular brothels of women for male clientage. Often she is a heterosexual harlot, as well—rarely is she only uraniad in nature and venal life. If her real sexual tastes are for female types, soon she has a regular clientage of them. She is also encountered, younger or older, beautiful or by no means such, as the kept-mistress to a feminosexual of wealth. Such ties are especially close and passionate. Fierce dramas arise thence, in brothels, baths, masked rendezvous, and even in private homes.

In Brothels:
Uraniadism and
Female Inmates.

The ordinary prostitute is frequently goon sated with the sexualism of men. She loses all desire, all pleasure in her trade. Exceptions apart, anon she feels indifference, horror or disgust for all her clientèle. Her vehicle of pleasure then becomes another Uraniad. Frequently this is a relatively young girl. In almost all large brothels, there is at least one youth-

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