Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/545

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moral nature than the uranian; and that only femininely social and physical disabilities really keep them in check from evil-doing on much the same scale as their more masculine rivals.

Uraniad Murder.

Occasionally the Uraniad of higher social grade commits a murderous assault, or even is a murderess, through jealousy, revenge, and so on; or through less "racial" causes. In 1892, in the United States of America, took place such a tragedy between a pair of respectable young Uraniads. Jealousy was the motive. A certain Alice M—, had been from her youth a masculine type in all essentials except physical viraginity. She had grown fiercely jealous of her closest friend, Freda W—; both girls being of about the same age, nineteen years. The bond was sexual. Alice M— quarrelled with Freda W—on account of what seemed Freda's growing disposition to "desert"—i. e. to accept masculine attentions. In furious jealousy, Alice M— cut Freda's throat, in broad daylight on a public street; a hideous tragedy, shocking all the town. In the trial, the feminosexual relationship between the girls was plainly brought to light. Alice M— declared in court that she had "married" Freda W—; that the compact was solemn, "for body and soul;" and that they had been planning to leave the town together "to pass their lives so," when Freda—had "broken faith with me." The trial resulted in the acquittal of Alice M— from murder, as being not of sound mind. She was committed to an insane asylum. Nothing indicated her as insane, by correct psychiatric judgment. She was perfectly normal in mind and body, was educated', and though neurotic in type was perfectly reasonable. She was merely uraniad in intersex.

Instance: Adèle

A good example occurred many years ago, in Adèle Spitzeder, the talented, audacious founder of the sometime famous "Daschauer

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