Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/573

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Is the Uranian a Higher or a Lower Sex and Type in the Scale of Humanity?

A vital Question.

Probably the reader will say, as he reaches this short concluding chapter, that its title presents the most vitally interesting question that can be part of such a study; a query not well left for the last. But not so. The present writer has wished to emphasize certain practicalities of the Intersexual problem and condition, and throughout these pages considerably to subordinate cross-currents of the theoretical; as also to avoid concepts essentially in dispute among psychiaters. If the supremacy of the Uranian—when at his best—were indisputably accepted by science, if in his finest examples he were popularly received in the human scheme as the much-advertised "Overman"—then his complex problem would be solved. But that is not yet the result of arguments. The Intersexual, psychically and psychiatrieally, is a disputed equation. His friends do not too often agree with each other as to his status; even his enemies do not. Sometimes he would be glad to be saved from both.

Two Scientific

Beyond doubt, much suggests the high-natured Uranian as representing a noble and gifted species of mankind; in touch with deeper and finer secrets of human—not to say Divine—personality. The enthusiastic theorist who admires certain races eminently similisexual, who recalls the greatest names and noblest figures in the catalogue of homosexual men, is impatient that Uranistic supremacy" in the world be not conceded at once. But cautious psychology wisely keeps the interrogation-point at the end of the tempting

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